Friday, April 23, 2010

The Last Four Years.....

I still remember the first day of the college and the only thing I understood was that it was not for me. I realized that either I was in the wrong college or maybe wrong profession. As many say time is the best medicine. Soon I found that here people vary from chill-out-creatures to serious psychos. Everyone having a different tale ranging from joints to niche ambitions. I realized that it is not the brand of college that matters but people who make that brand. I was soon feeling lucky seeing the long and successful alumni. I thanked God but have known since childhood that mediocrity is in abundance but excellence is rare. Soon I was finding the parameters of excellence. I could not find any external parameter (except beauty in case of girls). Money (it will come), CGPA (does not matter), intelligence (all here are equally or rather more intelligent than me), character (well maybe), cars, girlfriends, placement, etc. nothing fits. Well then what?

The first I found was in the third year. Since childhood I wanted to be an engineer, to build big buildings, big planes, etc, I have never thought about money. When I was interning in L&T I found that after working till late one night, I didn't want to go the next day. I understood that it is the hunger that matters. If you are not hungry, sooner or later you will be complacent, nothing will matter. The second one I found out in the last semester - the people. They only can make it happen. They can pull you out they can push you, from birth till now, they were always there to listen to me, to rebuke me, to support me - friends, parents, etc.

After long four years, all I have left still is hunger and people those who can die for you and I can die for them. After these four years some will achieve goals, some confused like me will reach a bit later, but all us - hungry people- will reach. Everyday reminds me of the first day: the stage, the auditorium the gorgeous seniors, the vibrant Director, etc. I still question myself whether I will be able to justify myself as "ENGINEER" for the rest of my life. However, hellish it was, it was worth the friends (people).

Monday, April 12, 2010

MX: New Financial Instruments

With the rise of Identification schemes like UID, soon all marriages will be registered and the day is not far when our relationships will have a financial derivative for themselves i.e. a representation of the stability of marriages in form of an economic trade-off, a marriage price or stock price, as it will be called. When all stocks like these will be traded on speculation or by diagnosing community traits, we will have an MX, a Marriage Exchange. Well why not? If we can have those filthy sub-primes running down the economic pipelines why not some more random and interesting derivatives like these. Well, I am sure it will churn the world.

After all, sociology will find its real economic value. But what can be the pros and cons? Well soon we will have an insurance product that acts like 'Meher'. No marriage without that insurance product, wow!, what an idea Sirjee! Everyone who marries has to buy that product like you have for your motor-vehicles. Insurance companies and banks will bribe senators so that this instrument gets an opening ceremony from one of the fanatics who will say, "This is the start of new Social Order in the World and that through Capitalism. God Bless all couples." And soon, there will be trading charts released in a prominent Bank which has formulated the pivot point after which the marriage will be in chaos. Every sector including Pharma, Fashion, FMCG, etc will start churning strategies such that the intrinsic stock value of the couple increases.

In case you are found roaming with your beautiful wife, the policeman might impound your vehicle (wife) and guess what before you bail her out, your stock value is down on the MX and all debtors are standing at your doorsteps asking for loans because the collateral lost its value, you lost your prestige and guess what the policeman had sucked out all of the oil before you could roam with your vehicle (wife) again. You have to file Chapter 11.

That's MADNESS! And that is what sub-prime mortgage backed securities were, an utter madness. People with loans are out of their houses. Everything was being borrowed using collateral which never existed but on paper being traded in mortgage markets under AAA rating. We should make capitalism improvise our lives but we should not let it be an orgy.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I'm Heretical and I'm Confident.

I would be called 'heretical' if I will say that earth hour is a foul attempt to mitigate the climate change or I refuse to turn off my lights to save energy when there are no outages anywhere in the region. Maybe I am against the whole notion that Humans are causing global warming and I would be among a few group of people who are called insensitive and idiots.

I might be wrong but I am not confused. We have all ignored the daddy of life causing agent on earth: the Sun, not the minute 'we'. Earth's climate has been much hotter than this and much colder than this too. In 1970s we were debating about global cooling and a mini-ice age. but today we are saying that this is because of us. Impossible. It is true that we are exploiting our non-renewable resources but the trends are depressingly hyped and I just don't agree. We have forgotten the main source of temperature called Sun. Look at the red solar activity and black temperature line.

It is interesting to see that even after the second stage of Industrialization started, we had a dip in the temperature curve but it should have risen because of the increased carbon dioxide emissions. So instead of whining about the green house gases we should see that we are not using are non-renewable resources inefficiently and are not destroying our environment like fresh water lakes, etc. Human contribution to green house emissions is only a meager fraction of what volcanoes contribute. Also there is a 800 year lag in the increase in carbon dioxide levels in atmosphere and the average temperature thereby we can deduce that increased temperature causes increased carbon dioxide levels.

So what is the reason behind all this global warming hype? Well, it is Africa's large exploitable resources (coal, petrol, etc). World Bank recently gave 4 billion dollar loan to South Africa for building a coal powered plant. The loan was criticized by the whole of developed world and so called global warming foundations. Well, they want these countries to use unreliable solar and wind energies so that they can suck their resources at back hand and break the cherished African dream to develop. The developing world definitely needs energy to cut back their emissions. The cooking is still dependent on firewood which causes more harm to environment. So what is the argument? Well, I'm not an African but this hyped game is not that difficult to understand. All you need is some right stats.