Saturday, July 18, 2009

377 Effect

The gay rights being not illegal and channels spurring hot debates over abolition of Article 377 has captured the attention of community in a prodigious way. The debates are concentrating on three main aspects i.e. the article itself, the effect on society and the religious angle.

The article was derived from British saying that gay practices are against nature and its laws. But the petition filed might have been strong enough to convince the judiciary to change the Constitution. Moreover, many scientific researches have shown that it is natural and depends upon hormonal secretion rather than a personal decision or out of frustration. If so natural why the uproar? Actually, there have been very few cases reported under this act in the last few decades. So whats the big change? They have not been encouraged, they have been censured from going to jail for getting involved in gay practices in bed. Well, who can see that? None.

Though the abolition may mean scrapping of the article as a victory to many. But, can the doing away of the article in Constitution change the perception of society towards the practices? The Indian orthodox still feel that it will ruin the society and it will have bad effects on the society as a whole. It is quite similar to the typical Indian mentality that most of educated adults support the decision of Supreme Court (like they endorse Mahatma Gandhi and APJ Abdul Kalam). But few want their children to be like them or turn out to be like them. Who wants? Well, few precautionary measures might have been listed by the Educated Ladies Association which persists in every locality.
  • Do check whether your child goes out with opposite sex or not. If not make him go. Especially the weaker sex as its number is more. This is going to be a treat for straight children.
  • Do not let your child go out with friends at night if all are of same sex.
  • Watch out whether your son plays with boys only. If yes, consult doctor at the earliest. Ask Baba Ramdev for the treatment as he showed particular sympathy for the affected community.
And many more steps will ensure that the perceived phenomenon of gayism is precluded and nipped at the bud. But alas! It is natural and what can Baba Ramdev do about it who carries the torch of nature himself?

The people who can be found on TV debates opposing the practice openly are representatives of religion who say that it will make society unnatural. Imagine a Sardarji going to office and another Sardarji carrying a baby giving him a good bye kiss. It might be very natural for both of them but surely most of us are not ready to experience the rapid change in this rapid digital age. It is said that Indians are quite adaptive to changes and rather they follow changes very closely. Well, God forbid if this is the next change. I am still not ready. The Act has initiated a change of opinion and we all support the decision because it is unwise to go against nature and science. But I would still like it to be a secret change and not visible enough. The religion has never stopped any such practice rather Pagans are known to have supported it at one point of time. Also, Hindus' sutra has a mention of the homo-acts. So what can RSS or VHP do? Can it beat up two boys going down the lane and talking heartedly? No. Maybe Muslims have to rectify their constitution for mutiple marriages with men/women or both. Whatever it may be, we have to adapt to the change.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry guys it is the Delhi High Court not the Supreme Court.
